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National Players

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T69 seal (black).png

In addition to being a performer, technician, teacher and driver for the National Players, I was the Public Relations Coordinator for Tour 69. Although the expectations of this position were simply to update our social media and collect publicity materials each of our venues used for our archives, I decided to use my training and experience in PR to analyze the impact we were having, discuss the ideal impact we are trying to achieve, and create and implementing a publicity plan. And this is what I did:


created a publicity plan

interviewed by local press, such as Reilly Biel in Yankton, SD and Luke Lyons in Pueblo, CO

interviewed and introduced Tour 69

created and implemented the Humans of National Players project

photographed our rehearsal process

merged and altered our iconography with production photos and my own photography

wrote individual press releases for Othello, Alice in Wonderland, and The Great Gatsby

sent press releases to local publications using Meltwater

designed, printed, and recorded audience response slips

posted feedback from these response slips to Slack

started the Create Your Own Pool of Tears competion

wrote a job description and created a PR handbook for future generations

promoted the work of our National Player alum on social media

Humans of national Players

all art and photography by Melissa Carter unless otherwise stated

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